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Marriage & Family

Marriage Prep



At Solid Ground we view marriage as a lifelong, covenantal relationship between and man and woman. Our aim is to give you a Biblical perspective on marriage. If you as a family member of Solid Ground are on the road to marriage, we would love to journey with you. 

We believe that marriage preparation is one of the greatest investments any couple can make into their relationship. Consider it a gift to your future together. Our marriage preparation journey consist of 6 sessions and then a possible 7’th session if you would like one of our pastors to be involved on your wedding day.

To give you a foretaste of what you can expect, have a sneak peak at what you will cover in these sessions.

Session 1: What is love & marriage? 
A biblical meaning of love & marriage.

Session 2: Who am I and who are you?
Part 1 - Love languages, similarities & differences, strengths & weaknesses.

Session 3: Who am I and who are you?
Part 2 - Dealing with your past.

Session 4: How do we do?
A biblical view of roles, communication & conflict resolution.

Session 5: What do we want?
Expectations, making life choices together, values & vision/dream for your marriage. 

Session 6: Hot Topics (sex, finance, in-laws & other family matters)


Session 7: The wedding ceremony plan.


We strongly encourage you to give us and yourselves ample time to complete this journey without being pressurised by a wedding date. Allow the start of the journey to be considered at least 6 - 8 months before your proposed wedding day.

If you would like one of our pastors to be involved on your wedding day, please know that we require the marriage preparation journey to be completed, before we consider the process of officiating a wedding.


To enquire, please email us at . Please include both parties's full names and contact details.






Most of us find ourselves going through difficult seasons in marriage. Well done for reaching out! We would love to pray with you and encourage you in whatever you are going through.


We believe that wisdom and healing can come through a process of submitting to biblical counsel. On our church leadership team we have those with gifting and experience who can help.


If you would like to set up an appointment with one of our leadership couples, please email us on with your name and contact details and our pastoral team will be in contact with you.






At Solid Ground we love to celebrate these special moments with our church family members.





How do we view Baby Dedications at Solid Ground Church?

At Solid Ground the dedication moment is just as much about the parents as it is about the child. We believe that you, as parent/s, are dedicating your child unto the Lord. By dedicating your child, you display a desire and commitment to raise your child in the 'way' he/she should go (Proverbs 22:6). This 'way' means we intentionally seek to follow Jesus and in turn, show our kids who Jesus is.


We as your Solid Ground Family would love to come alongside you on this journey and make this moment special by praying for your baby/child on the day. Together we will trust that God will do a work by His Spirit to lead your child and to bring them to the point where they believe unto the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for them.


We ask that parents wanting to dedicate their baby please attend the pre-dedication class that takes place 2 weeks before baby dedications. At this class we will be able to give you a clear understanding of how it works and answer any questions you may have.


If you would like to dedicate your baby/child on a Sunday morning, please give us your details by emailing us at



Baby Dedication dates for 2025:​​​

  • 16 February

  • 18 May

  • 17 August

  • 9 November


Marriage Counselling
Baby Dedications
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