Solid Ground Church 2022
Teachings at Solid Ground in 2022
Solid Ground Church 2022
The Realm of Grace - James Lennox [02 January 2022]
Living for God - James Lennox [09 January 2022]
How to be Part of a Local Church - James Lennox [16 January 2022]
Genesis, The God of Blessing - James Lennox [23 January 2022]
You Will Be My Witnesses - James Lennox [30 January 2022]
Genesis, The God of Work and the God of Rest - Helét de Beer
[06 February 2022]
Knowing the Enemy and How to Withstand His Tactics
- Rinus Geldenhuys [03 March 2022]
Stand Your Ground - Graeme Lennox [20 March 2022]
The Realm of Grace - James Lennox [02 January 2022]
God's redemption Through the Flood and Noah's Ark
- Jonathan Lennox [27 March 2022]
Freedom From Sin - James Lennox [10 April 2022]
Two Shall Become One Flesh - Gerhardus de Beer [03 March 2022]
Faith and Radical Obedience - Rinus Geldenhuys [01 May 2022]
Do You See What God Sees - Helét de Beer [06 February 2022]
The Reward of Faith - James Lennox [15 May 2022]
God, Our Provider and Protector - James Lennox [29 May 2022]
Faith & Financial Freedom - James Lennox [05 June 2022]
Faith Offering Sunday - Solid Ground Church [12 June 2022]
Fathers Who are Friends of God - James Lennox [19 June 2022]
Trust in the Lord Your God - Rinus Geldenhuys [26 June 2022]
Who You Marry and How You Go About it Matters to God
- Rinus Geldenhuys [03 July 2022]
Live as a Pilgrim - A call for Endurance - A Call to Finish Strong
-Helét de Beer [06 February 2022]
Amazing Grace - James Lennox [17 July 2022]
The Name of the Lord - James Lennox [24 July 2022]
Seeing Jesus - James Lennox [31 July 2022]
The Father Who Sings Over His Children - James Lennox
[07 August 2022]
God's School of Freedom - James Lennox [21 August 2022]
Take Courage, The Lord is With You - Rinus Geldenhuys
[14 August 2022]
O Lord How We Need You - Rinus Geldenhuys [28 August 2022]
All-In Sunday - James Lennox [04 September 2022]
The Next Chapter - James Lennox [11 September 2022]
Where Does Courage Come From - Gerhardus de Beer
[18 September 2022]
We are the People of God - Rinus Geldenhuys [25 September 2022]
Heaven, Earth, The World, and Hell - James Lennox [02 October 2022]
Living as Strangers and Exiles - James Lennox [09 October 2022]
The Public Life and Conduct of an Exile - Rinus Geldenhuys
[03 July 2022]
In the Same Way, Husbands and Wives - Rinus Geldenhuys
23 October 2022]
Handover Celebration - Rory Dyer [10 October 2022]
Christian Conduct in Fellowship - Rinus Geldenhuys
[06 November 2022]
A Godly Response to Undeserved Suffering - Rinus Geldenhuys
[13 November 2022]
Are You Ready To Grow - Helét de Beer [20 November 2022]
A Call to Humility - Rinus Geldenhuys [04 December 2022]
I Will Build My Church - Rinus Geldenhuys [27 November 2022]
Psalm 23 - Gerhardus de Beer [11 December 2022]
Jesus the Light of the World - Rinus Geldenhuys [18 December 2022]
Do Not Be Afriad - Rinus Geldenhuys [11 September 2022]